Some highlights of Speaker Pelosi's acceptance speech and the talking heads . . .
Pelosi, "I what to thank my wonderful family for helping me go from the kitchen to the congress . . ." "This is a victory for women across America, we have broken through that marble ceiling." "I am the speaker of the House, the whole House, and look forward to working with both sides of the aisle . . . " She put them on notice with the sweetest smile!
Talking head,"It's very fitting that all her grandchildren joined her at the podium. The house is very much like a kindergarten and raising five kids will be a definite help running the place."
Nora O'Donnel, "I ran into her this morning and her biggest concern was that she hadn't dropped her children's laundry off at the hotel." Her kids are staying in a hotel near her DC residence and gave her their laundry because they don't know the way around the city. "The kids all said don't worry Mom, we can get our own laundry . . ."
Talking head, "The salons were all booked up, so she had to do her own hair this morning along with all the other preparations." "It's going to be a much more colorful congress. Look at you and me, red and blue and Pelosi in maroon. A record number of women in that sea for grey and black pinstripe . . ."
Nora O'donnel,"Can you imagine a five day work week? Just like everybody else in the country! How unique . . ."
Joe Scarborough, "I don't care who you are, liberal, conservative, Republican or what, Nancy Pelosi owned the house today. I was back there with my Republican colleagues and they were trying not to stand up but they couldn't help it."
After the niceties and congratulations Pelosi began with the agenda. Made a declarative statement that Bush must move toward a responsible re-deployment of troops out of Iraq. She put Bush on notice right off the bat! Then she talked about the return of the house to ownership by the people with meaningful lobby and ethics reform. More of the first hundred hours agenda.
She looked a lot more relaxed than any of the others around her, particularly Boener who is now Minority (I love saying that!) leader. Denny Hastert sat in the last row and scowled the whole time.
The right wing talking heads all blather about converting the house to a court room and gridlock etc. but operatives say the plan is to pick all the low hanging fruit first, stuff that the Repubs can't possibly block and Bush dare not veto, and establish the party as a party of action and keeping promises. The Dems have locked the minority (I love saying that!) out of the first 100 hours. Ethics will go directly to the floor for one of those upperdown votes. Imagine that, not allowing the Repubs to amend, block and loop-hole ethics reform! Payback is a real B I zitch, ain't it!
I'm starting to hyperventilate. Need to find a paper bag to breath in . . .