the simple fact is that if the american people had wanted the democratic party to march in line with the same old GOP nonsense of the past 12 years, they'd have kept the republicans.
the republicans did this to themselves, like children who are upset because they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
republicans did this with their malicious attacks on the american people
on minimum wage
on a woman's right to privacy
on our constitutional rights and liberties
with the war in iraq and afghanistan
with their sheer corruption and acting criminally towards children in the very halls of congress
the republican party did this by not acting like a political party working for the american people, but acting more like a criminal syndicate bent on squeezing every last dime out of the american people. by electing pedophiles, lunatics, crooks, and supporting war criminals like donald rumsfeld.
if america wanted us to respect that, they'd have re-elected a republican majority
but they didn't.
the republican party did everything it could to DISRESPECT america, so americans and the democratic party owe them no respect.
you reap what you sow.