It is within the grasp of Democrats to stay at the top for the
forseeable future. Americans are always interested in
something new, and will demand same after the first "100
hours." Here's what we can do, as Dems, to cement our
1. Dems should pledge to purchase ONLY vehicles made in the US
by union labor. This would kick start the auto industry, and
wed union members to us.
2. Dems should legislate "2d level adoptions" as a
means to reduce abortions. This would mean that persons could
agree to be legally responsible for supporting a child of a
poor person, or person worrying about finances to raise the
child. I know a childless Pat Buchanan would be the first to
sign up!
3. Dems should partner with big business on national health
insurance. Major corporations in other countries benefit from
having no health care costs. This approach would also split
Big Pharma away from manufacturing companies, showing their
self interest.