And let the Congress vote on it.
Let them remove, at a Constitutional level, the separation of religion and state, and make the nation officially a Christian Reconstructionist Theocracy.
Let them remove YOUR guarantee of equal protection under the law from the law.
And make no mistake, we are talking about YOUR protection, the granting to the state the right to declare YOU a second class citizen, not just your gay brother.
That's the trick card. Equal. Or not.
Secular. or Theocracy.
Bring it.
Let your elected representatives, your employees, to whom you pay salaries that allow them to live as wealthy men while you struggle to keep a roof over your head, vote on this amendment.
Let them vote whether millions of Americans, who grow, cook and serve your food, who deliver your babies, teach your children, enter burning buildings to save your life, shine lights into your dark basement when you hear noises there, who build your houses and your bridges, fill your prescriptions and drive and conduct and fly you to where you need to go, who do your taxes and fix your computer and take out your kid's appendix, who pay these generous salaries to their wealthy servants in Washington, let them vote yea or nay, that these Americans are second-class citizens, let them decide whether to amend the constitution to permit the segregation of certain citizens into a separate status.
Shall the constitution be amended to conform to the doctrines of a particular religious sect?
To do so would clearly be in violation of the First Amendment, so let the elected representatives, your employees, vote on whether the language pertaining to religion should be removed from it, and the United States transformed by lawful vote to a theocracy.
Bring the Amendment to the Congress, and let your servants cast their votes.