Point of personal privilege, my friends. Look, if you're going to lob personal insults at bloggers because it's far, far easier than looking up
easily-found profile information, do us all one favor: Don't yourself litter
your forum with conservative talking points torn directly from Tony Snow's daybook. If you're going to accuse critics of this administration of spewing hate and drinking the Kool-Aid, please realize that citing, as you have,
Ann Coulter and
Michelle Malkin in the course of your posts makes your position laughably hypocritical. And since you like to parse people's words, let's parse some of yours:
On Iraq: "For you, it's just another tool push your political agenda."
OK, what's worse? Being a critic of the war to, as you say, "push your political agenda"? Or planning an escalation of U.S. soldiers in Iraq that is, as one administration official told NBC's Jim Miklaszewski, "more of a political decision than a military one"?2.
On Congressional corruption: "At least the GOP cleans up their messes."
Two words: Mark Foley. Here we had a child predator stalking the halls of Congress and not only were his higher-ups warned about it, but, in order to stay in the majority, they also urged him to seek reelection.3.
On consumerism: "Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc sell me the things that I want at better prices than anyone else. How could anyone not love that?"
Ask the victims of Wal-Mart's business practices how much they love that.4.
On Sen. Barack Obama being referred to as "Osama": "Well he could always change it to something undeniably American-sounding, like Leroy Washington or something."
Racist much?Now, this is just a small outpost of the online world, but it's important to recognize that people like this inhabit its every corner, especially those where political debate takes place. They preach civility, yet their own words ignore their sermonizing. They call their ideological opposites haters, yet their arguments often pander to the lowest common denominator. They broad-brush those who don't agree with them, yet lack the intellectual curiosity to actually learn more about those with whom they spar. Being an informed citizen means actually
doing the work. But as long as taking shots and having your arguments handed to you from above remains a far easier prospect, expect more of the same from our friends on the right.