Oddities in NH voting have been discused on DU previously. Here's one link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/explodedview/Kerry Beat Dean in New Hampshire by Only 1.5% When Computers Weren’t Doing the Counting
SNIP.."To bring the matter into sharper focus, here are the percentages by which Kerry’s vote exceeded Dean’s, grouped by tallying method.
VotingTechUsed % Margin
Diebold 58.1%
ES&S 35.0%
Hand 4.7%
New article. This piece discusses the discrepancy between one person's polling and reported primary results in Arizona.
Dean Dunked Deliberately? by Tom Dark
I spent a month, six days a week, going door to door, talking to real registered Democrats, asking them who they planned to vote for in the Arizona primary, February 3.
His results (edited from original to compress):
500 persons talked to
6 for Kerry
4 for Clark
1 for Edwards
225-250 Dean
similar or slightly smaller number undecided
That is,
1.2% for Kerry
at least 50% for Dean
Voting results:
42% Kerry
<21% Dean
other not specified
<end summary, the following is another excerpt from Dark's article>
I'm not ready to point fingers. But from this perspective -- the only honest perspective you ARE going to get, which is, go talk to people yourself and let THEM tell you what they think -- it seemed to me that Howard Dean was a shoo-in in the primary in this county. Now, would this county be so utterly different in character from the rest of the counties in Arizona? A high percentage of retired people, and retired military, for instance? A high percentage of people with spanish last names, for instance? I doubt that, too.
I have two alternatives to consider. Either "people" are so gullible that they take newspaper headlines and TV ploys as post-hypnotic commands, or else there were just lots and lots and lots of "hanging chads" in the ballot boxes here, as it were.
Edits: added NH ref, changed title to match.