(This is cross-posted at Daily Kos.)
I know this web site is more than simply a rubber stamp for all things Democratic Party -- it is about positive action aimed at keeping democratic processes alive and well, and to fight where fighting needs to be done. I turn to you and those of you who may know more to first expose you all to a horrific denial of democratic process in the city of Chicago, and to appeal/brainstorm for help in trying to remedy a situation that would make Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush proud.
I am a supporter (unpaid and informal) of a local aldermanic candidate in Chicago's 48th Ward, Christopher Persons. Today, Mr. Persons -- as well as EVERY OTHER CHALLENGER on the ballot in our ward -- has been knocked off the February 27th ballot, leaving only the entrenched alderman, Mary Ann Smith, on the ballot.
Why was Mr. Persons and every other challenger -- along with possibly dozens of other Aldermanic challengers -- knocked off? Not because of a lack of signatures. Not because of any voter fraud. Not because of anything criminal on their end. No, these challengers are off the ballot because they were TOO HONEST, and because clerks in the city of Chicago apparently have no responsibility for doing their job properly.
Here's what happened: under Chicago's archaic election law, a financial disclosure statement is supposed to be filed with the clerk of Cook County (I believe it's Cook County), then A RECEIPT saying that report was filed was to be turned in to the City of Chicago. However, Mr. Persons and dozens of other aldermanic challengers, instead of turning in A RECEIPT, instead turned in A COPY of the finacial statement. A clerk in Chicago City Hall then CERTIFIED to Mr. Persons and various other candidates that the materials presented were COMPLETE AND CORRECT -- only to have Ald. Smith's office file an objection to the package on the specious charge that since A RECEIPT was filed, the package was ruled incorrectly filed and therefore enough to knock the challengers off the ballot. Understand that this law, as noted by the CHICAGO READER, is "how newbies are knocked off the ballot." It is the only reason it exists.
Horribly, that decision was upheld by the Board of Elections -- and, because of a 2004 appellate court ruling which says that it is the responsibility of the would-be candidate to do everything correctly even when the Board of Elections official clearly doesn't do his or her job, the decision may stick. So an Alderman who already has issues of being unresponsive and aloof to all but monied interests within the ward (sound familiar?) now may very well get to run scot-free save for what would be a difficult write-in campaign that may have other pitfalls and mine fields planted like this insipid rule.
So what am I asking this board to do? Well, I suppose one thing would be to swamp Ald. Smith's office and ask her why she would allow her campaign to win a cheap victory worthy only of Soviet Russia ... and another would be to swamp the City of Chicago's Board of Elections demanding that this rule be lifted and lifted immediately prior to the 2/27 election. At the very least, it is necessary to get this information out there and let those who believe in good government to help us hout in Chicago. As you all know, battling a machine is one of the toughest things to do, particularly when it's as entrenched as this one is. Knowing that there is support beyond the ward, combined with sunlight, is the first step to disinfecting the process, and doing so on a local level is just as important -- perhaps more so in many ways -- than on the national level.
But before I do so, I wonder if there are other Chicago-based Kossacks who can do a little more digging to make sure I've got my facts right, and to also find out if there are other campaigns that need such help. I'm sure they are.
Things like this often turn people off the electoral process even more than what goes on at a natioanl level, which is why I ask for help to find a way to fight this. It may go beyond 2/27, but it needs to be done in the name of small-d democracy. No matter where the process is shut down, it has to be fought.
In short, help us crash the gates in Chicago -- and let it start with Ald. Mary Ann Smith