by: MannyGoldstein
Sun Jan 07, 2007 at 21:36:29 PM EST
(Awesome. - promoted by Charley on the MTA)
We had some company over for dinner tonight. After a bit of wine, one of our friends, who describes himself as the most right-wing person in Massachusetts (which I actually doubt - I saw some of the picketing creeps at Deval's inauguration!) started on a rant about the outrageous taxes we pay here in Mass... you know the drill.
When he finally paused for a breath, I mentioned that our state and local tax burden is actually in the bottom half for the country. Of course he didn't believe it, so we looked it up on the (very-right-wing) Tax Foundation's site: out that we were among the most taxed in the nation in the 1970s, but we're now 28th.
Amazingly, our tax burden (compared to other states) dropped substantially under Dukakis, and - are you sitting down? - actually increased somewhat under Willard Romney. (I know that the governor is not the only variable in these things, but it's kind of interesting nonetheless).;jsessionid=825D582F264725916C36F0B1F5090E2A?diaryId=5870In any case, this is a neat parlor trick to pull the next time you have a Righty over for dinner. Our guest was stopped cold, and remained docile for the rest of the evening.