By Andrew Miga, Associated Press Writer | January 8, 2007
WASHINGTON --Some of the sharpest criticism of President Bush's expected call this week for more U.S. troops in Iraq will come from Massachusetts Democrats, who are among the loudest anti-war voices on Capitol Hill.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who has been one of Bush's fiercest critics, plans to use a high-profile speech Tuesday to urge Congress to take tougher steps to end the war. He'll warn that Bush's expected plan for up to 20,000 additional troops will only escalate the war.
Massachusetts lawmakers such as Sen. John Kerry and Meehan plan to take aim at Bush's war policies, including any proposed troop additions, during hearings this week on Capitol Hill featuring top administration figures.
"There is no military solution to the political crisis in Iraq," Kerry said in a statement. "A 'troop build-up' or sending more troops into harms way to referee a civil war isn't an answer, its more of the same."
Kerry, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a potential 2008 presidential contender, is expected to join panel Democrats grilling Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
more...The SFRC includes timetable supporters Kerry, Feingold, Boxer and Webb.