--- The "mutation" seems to be that, instead of a single, flagrant first-strike to goad an "enemy" into a massive counter-attack (thus guaranteeing decisive, futher conflict)... the new variation involves "seeding" the so-called war on terror with several scattershot provocations. Hey, if you want a wider war, you gotta widen your approach, eh? The scary part is that, at first glance. the strategy looks as though it could be effective.
--- The process more-or-less began with the hanging of Saddam Hussein (sure to stoke the sectarian flames in Iraq),.. gained local momentum with the planned "surge" escalation there,.. then tindered new flashpoints with the "Israel-nukes-Iran" scuttlebutt, and yesterday's attack in Somalia. The logic is easy to follow: Bush wants to "legitimize" his vision of the "worldwide war on terror," and having it slop over the boundaries of Iraq and Afghanistan stands a chance of making the carefully-choreographed conflict appear "bigger" than just the disasterous foray into Iraq. And they didn't waste any time with those oil contracts, either, eh?
--- And adding insult to injury, Bush even went "in-your-face" with the announcement of his mail-spying intentions. Any doubts as to who's in charge, here? (Or at least who thinks they are?) The neocons aren't giving up. They didn't come this far, just to throw in the towel over a little thing like popular electoral rejection. Their plans for the 21st century are for all the marbles.