Just a few comments that blew my mind in Freeperville tonight:
"Even if all of those troops were killed (God forbid!!), there would still be 10,000 fewer American deaths in Iraq in 4 years, than in there were in Korea in 4 years."
"The anti-war crowd has been wrong, WRONG, WRONG about everything since the day we started bombing the Taliban. Why should they be listened to now?"
"If Bush would just scrap the existing rules of engagement, we wouldn't need to send in additional troops."
"''While lacking the force of law, the measures would compel Republicans to go on record as either bucking the president or supporting an escalation. Several Republicans appear ready to support the Democrats' measure.'
I want names. Which Republicans?"
and my personal fav...
"I've mentioned the Vietnam analogy before. As to "anti-war passions" tell the nincompoop reporter to get back to us when 500,000 antiwar protestors take over Washington DC, as they did when Nixon invaded Cambodia.
That was passion and BTW Nixon followed HIS policy anyway."
That's a challenge worth taking up. Fire up the anti-war machines, y'all!