Edited on Thu Jan-11-07 11:05 AM by JacksonWest
By invading Iraq and disposing of it's government, we abandon any moral authority to prevent other nations from doing so. Saudi Arabia and Iran will spill in, as well as Turkey, to protect their people and claim certain regions. The only thing left for us to do is to declare a small portion of Iraq a "homeland" for a scant minority, and displace the residents. With any luck, Baghdad could become the new center for Chaos in the Middle East. Take that Israel!
Anyhooo, by setting up a secular government, we instantly offend all of the neighbors, and put most of the people at ill-ease in Iraq. I love democracy. I also love free will and a nations ability to grow and evolve. We've leap frogged several evolutionary steps in nation building. the result: Shiite vs Sunni chaos.
Worried about Iran? Well, think back to the eighties. IF the Soviet Union invaded Canada-what would our reaction be? Yes, Iran is involved and is going to "surge" their involvement. It makes sense, from their point of view. One of their "enemies" invaded their neighbor and is in the process of installing a friendly government. Saudi Arabia, which is a Sunni nation, is watching a Shiite majority take over Iraq. So, yes, we have some problems. And let's not forget about Turkey and the Kurds(sounds like a good name for an alt. rock band).
George Bush the first(and apparently not the worst) warned about this situation in his book. Which raises the interesting ethical dilemma-Should you take the time to write a book or use the same time to teach your functional illiterate idiot son that bares your name to read? It's a very zen question..sort of like the sound of one hand clapping. If he had taught Shrub boy to read, would he have been able to write the book he should have read?
So, basically, we're fucked. Well, not really. We've fucked a few nations over. Don't believe me, ask six hundred thousand dead Iraqis. But, soon, there will be many more dead civilians. From lots of countries.
The moral of the story is not to give any President blanket authority to commit the majority of our armed forces to an undefined conflict in an unstable region for an indefinite amount of time. It seems like common sense...yet here we are.