My thought on the only way Congress can do something about Bush
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Thu Jan-11-07 12:37 PM
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My thought on the only way Congress can do something about Bush |
It has to be on a bipartisan basis. Otherwise, whatever Congress does will turn out to be like Clinton's impeachment.
Also the Democrats run the high risk of being blamed for the failure.
Congress cannot do anything unless both sides of the aisle work together on it. As much as I hate this war, we simply cannot afford to nullify our gains and give the pukes another opening.
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Thu Jan-11-07 12:39 PM
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1. I think there are a decent number of Repukes |
who have reservations about it. And since this move looks like escalation could hurt the Repubs in '08, maybe we can get them on board.
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Thu Jan-11-07 03:39 PM
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4. That's what I'm thinking. |
Logically, they can't want to go into 2008 with this albatross.
But then logic simply isn't their forte.
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Thu Jan-11-07 12:40 PM
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2. i think there be enough disgust among thugs to make things work |
or cya, on their part, at least.
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Thu Jan-11-07 12:50 PM
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sentiment is rapidly going in that direction. I heard the "I" word a number of times at work today. Never heard it before.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:33 AM
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