I have a modicum of knowledge of HAVA and E-Voting I'm one of the original founding members of California Election Protection Network ( I named it) I haven't been active in a year or so I wrote a 36 page paper on why Diebold is not Federally and State ( California ) compliant as per HAVA, FEC Standards ( 300 pages-you read that?), and State Statues. I'll be glad to e-mail a copy to you Then you can lecture me as to my lack of knowledge about HAVA, et al. You can always ask the folks over in the Election section about me, most of them will verify that I'm an Asshole, but they will tell you that I know what I'm talking about. Enough about me Let's talk 'bout ol' Chris Dodd and HAVA HAVA first What HAVA did say/do: 1. HAVA provided the money , Federal Funds, to Registrar of Voters (RoVs) throughout America, to go on a buying orgy to buy E-voting equipment without HAVA, most RoVs in America could not have acquired the money to buy these overpriced dogshit pieces of vote changing machines. 2. The RoVs interpreted HAVA as requiring that they must buy/use E-Voting Equipment, and HAVA did require that this equipment be purchased by a certain date. This created a feeding frenzy. 3. HAVA was used for the most part, by the incredibly incompetent RoVs across America to buy and use E-voting equipment 4. HAVA did establish certain criteria for the implementation of E-voting and passed off the Standards setting to the incredibly incompetent EAC and the FEC 5. RoVs across America used HAVA as a de facto mandate to buy and use E-voting equipment 6. A. HAVA did say that if a voting district ( i.e. a county) accepted U.S. Funds, as provided by HAVA, that district could NOT use punch card voting systems. B. HAVA also established certain standards for Voters with disabilities, and it was this section which put E-voting DREs into almost every polling site in America. Here is that section: "TITLE III—UNIFORM AND NONDISCRIMINATORY ELECTION TECHNOLOGY AND ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Subtitle A—Requirements 42 USC 15481.
SEC. 301. VOTING SYSTEMS STANDARDS. (a) REQUIREMENTS for Federal office shall meet the following requirements : snip (3) ACCESSIBILITY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES .— The voting system shall— (A) be accessible for individuals with disabilities, including non visual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters; (B) satisfy the requirement of subparagraph (A) through the use of at least one direct recording electronic voting system or other voting system equipped for individ- uals with disabilities at each polling place; and (C) if purchased with funds made available under title II on or after January 1, 2007, meet the voting system standards for disability access (as outlined in this paragraph)."
7. HAVA did establish/mandate centralized voter registration lists which could be, and have been used to Cleanse voter registration rolls and disenfranchise legitimate voters. No standards were ever established to prevent this systematic demographic voter cleansing.
What HAVA did not say: 1. HAVA did not mandate/require E-voting equipment to be used in every polling site- but it was exploited to "convince" RoVs that this was the case 2. HAVA and its food chain of supporting agencies and commissions have never established any sort of election day e-voting security program So, did HAVA have a direct impact on E-voting equipment in America? 1. Probably every single voting jurisdiction ( county) in America, received money through HAVA to buy this equipment 2. Would these same jurisdictions ( and their respective incompetent RoVs) have purchased all this expensive E-voting equipment if HAVA did not exist? Probably not, because it was cost prohibitive Not only is there a significant cost to purchase this equipment, but there is a rather significant cost per election to write new software to support each election ( I've seen the contracts) 3. Would there be such extensive demographic voter cleansing from centralized voter lists without HAVA- maybe not as extensive, but now these systems , which were used so effectively in Florida in 2000, are now mandated and their use is unregulated 4. There would not be the above cited clause from HAVA which has been used/abused to force the placement of DRE's into almost every polling site in the U.S. That clause is highly significant. Almost every vote altering, manipulating tactic used by the Rethugs so successfully in 2000 in Florida was codified, mandated, and legalized by the implementation of HAVA. 5. If you deny and/or think that HAVA did not drive RoVs across America into a obsessive buying frenzy which they used to convince their jurisdiction's Board of Supervisors that HAVA mandated that they MUST buy and use E-voting equipment, you are uninformed. I witnessed personally this parade of RoVs who appeared at the State and county level pressuring higher authorities to approve and certify and authorize the purchase and use of this equipment.
If HAVA never existed, these incompetent RoVs, controlled and manipulated by the E-voting equipment suppliers would never have had the money and/or leverage to buy this shit.
If HAVA was repealed, it could go a long way to fighting e-voting equipment, because it would close the EAC and negate the FEC shoddy standards. It would also eliminate the bogus Federal Qualification status accorded this garbage equipment. And RoVs could not misinterpret it as a mandate to purchase and use this shit.
I never said Dodd is singlehandedly responsible for it Bob Ney and Chris Dodd were the sponsors of this bill. Their names are on it. They pimped HAVA, and by Pimping HAVA they pimped Electronic Voting. Period No whiney excuses. Dodd is responsible for putting Electronic Voting machines in almost every polling site in America. Period. No claim can be made in his behalf that he pimped this bill out of fucking ignorance. If he didn't do research and due diligence on this, if he was ignorant and unaware of the voting manipulation and GOP's illegal voting activities in Florida in 2000, he had no fucking business writing , supporting, putting his name on this piece of totalitarian 3rd world garbage and pimping it. If he is that incompetent, he should not hold office in America. If he cannot Man Up to what he did, if he cannot and will not rectify what he is responsible for, he has forfeited any right to represent American citizens in Congress, let alone be President of the United States. Now, you want to lecture me some more about what I do not know about E-voting and HAVA?