Edited on Fri Jan-12-07 10:36 AM by Parisle
---To use baseball jargon, there will always be home run hitters and singles hitters,... and "power" games vs. strategies based on speed, defense and pitching. It might be unwise to try to oppose Bush's single-minded march to a wider war with a home run hitter approach,.. in effect, placing all our hopes on one action or device. We need to "cover all the bases," and our national democratic legislators can be of incalculable assistance... but only if they adopt a perspective of a broader, more populist opposition front to Bush's one-man military rule,... and then get busy helping to organize and mobilize it. And time is short.
--- The senators, both democratic and republican, who yesterday assailed the Bush "surge" plan in the panel meeting with Condi Rice, did a very good job of THAT component of a "cover all bases" approach. But they're just the home run hitters, and they cannot stop Bush by themselves. They still have to re-visit the issue of the original AUMF, as well as serious constitutional issues attending to checks & balances, etc. But what does Bush care about the Constitution? It is the very outpouring of negativity following Bush's speech which suggests a more promising approach.
--- Democrats now control a majority of governorships. Every governor ought to be making strong statements contesting Bush's misuse of their National Guard units. Every state legislature ought to be adopting resolutions of opposition to the "surge," resolutions reminiscent of the amendment process, itself. I'd personally like to see statements of "prior dissent" where Executive Orders are concerned,... in effect saying, "Go ahead,.. declare martial law. We ain't going along with it." There must be significant involvement at the state level. National legislators may have to spend some time back home to help out with this. A "special" conference of governors would be just spectacular.
--- Impeachment should not be "off the table." In fact, there should never be a day when it is not mentioned in Washington press coverage.
--- The House of Representatives can do a lot. It can cut off funds. It can "condition" the use of the funds it does approve. It can propose windfall or war-profiteering taxes on Big Oil, Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel, Carlyle, et al,.. and redouble the investigations into their financial malfeasance. They can raise taxes on the wealthy on the sheer justification of war expenses. In short, they can take all the fun out of this war for those who planned and profitted from it.
--- Statements and news items opposing the war and the surge should be issuing from every office in government,.... VA,.. GAO,...OMB,.."retired" generals,.. you name it. And all simultaneously, too. Where Phil Spector engineered recordings with his "wall of sound" philosophy,.. Bush needs to be confronted with a "wall of opposition" coming at him from every corner of the US,... and not just from Congress. The democrats can organize that. The moment of opportunity seems to have arrived. Bush should be made to feel like Hitler in his bunker. It CAN be done