KERRY: ... the president said last night that America's commitment is not open-ended. And if they don't follow through, they will lose the support of the American people and the Iraqi people.
I don't want to debate with you whether or not they've already lost the support of the American people. I think it's pretty evident to most people that that's where we are.
But what does it mean to say it's not open-ended? What is the accountability measure here? Are you saying, if it's not open-ended, that you're prepared to terminate it? Do you agree that it's not open-ended, first of all?
RICE: Of course, it is not open-ended.
KERRY: If it's not open-ended, does that mean you're prepared if they fail to pull out, to terminate? What is the accountability mechanism?
RICE: Senator, I think it's best to leave the president's words as the president's words.
I do think that the accountability rests in two places. First of all, I think the Iraqis now know that if they don't succeeding returning security to their population, then their population is not going to support them. And...
KERRY: And what are we going to do? That's the big issue to the United States Congress.
RICE: ... it's a democratic process.
And, secondly, we will have an opportunity as this policy unfolds -- it's not going to happen overnight -- as it unfolds to see whether or not, in fact, the Iraqis are living up to the assurances that they gave us.
KERRY: And what if they don't?
RICE: Senator, I don't think you go to plan B. You work with plan A.
KERRY: But that's not a plan B. That's a very critical issue.
Last but not least, there was a very interesting summary of the situation in the comments at The Carpetbagger Report post about the hearing:
Republican Auto Maintenance
Democrat: You better put oil in that engine.
Republican: I’m not going to use oil. I’m going to run light and nimble.
Democrat: You’re going to wreck your engine. You better add oil.
Democrat: I see you burned up your engine.
Republican: I’m going to add oil now.
Democrat: You don’t need oil now. It won’t help.
Republican: Typical Democrat flip-flopper. You were for oil before you were against it.
Comment by bobcn — 1/11/2007 @ 7:18 pm more (video and transcripts)