The media needs viewership to survive, which leads them to go with the news stories that attract the most attention. Big Hill and Obama are both special cases for very obvious reason, and John Edwards has the notoriety of a VP run under his belt. Otherside of the equation, John McCain and Rudy have massive public profiles already, and Romney is getting covered because he looks like he's already puting together a fairly aggressive early campaign. People want BIG. I personaly think we can't have Duncan Hunter on the television often enough, however.
As for the "What's with the media conspiracy against (insert my pet candidate who hasn't delcared yet)?", journalists cover the news. Tom Vilsack got that he was entering an already crowded predatory kingdom, and came out early hoping to get his head above the fray. John Edwards declared in New Orleans. Joe Biden declared on one of the fifty fucking shows he appears on every Sunday that has seven total viewers. A candidates visibility in the media is his own problem.
(Yes, this sidesteps, "If Dennis Kucinich has ten million in cash right now, everybody would know his name". It's not fair, but it is).
As we've seen, the primaries are generally attended by people who aren't being swayed by talking heads, and who've all done their homework. The ground game defines primaries, and its why going precinct to precinct shaking hands can make the difference. If Joe Biden rises like an eagle out of Iowa, and publicly eats Hillary Clinton's still beating heart after a massive thirty point jugernaught victory in New Hampshire, the media will report it.