first, welcome to DU, Larry!!
if you're really interested in what Kennedy is pushing and not just blowing off steam about his petition and lack of disclosure, here's some info ... you can watch his speech to the Nat'l Press Club by going to and clicking on "Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) Policy Speech on Iraq" ... Kennedy was impressive ...
also, there's a copy of the email he sent out regarding his petition at the end of this post ...
as for my reaction to your post, i think it would have been much stronger had you focussed on your last two paragraphs ... Kennedy's campaign to "stop the surge" may fall far short of what you or I want to see happen, but there's no reason to dismiss it as anything but a very positive step ...
however, I fully agree with your point that the right policy here is not "blocking 20000 more troops", it's stopping the damned war and bringing home all the troops ... Kennedy talked about not funding the next 20000 and it appears even on that he's not getting much (any?) support from his colleagues ...
as for your points about blood for oil, i couldn't agree more ... Dems need to speak out against the oil grab before it's too late ... they've already waited far too long ...
Dear welshTerrier2,
The worse the situation in Iraq gets, the farther from reality the President's speeches get.
Last night, we got more of that from President Bush. The same misguided strategy. The same public fearmongering. The same empty rhetoric.
An escalation of troops in Iraq will not fix a civil war.
On Tuesday, I told you of my new legislation to put a stop to the President's failed policy on Iraq.
Since then, over 50,000 people have already signed on to support my legislation demanding a voice in the debate over escalation.
They are not alone. Huge majorities of Americans stand firmly against an escalation in Iraq.
The opposition is staggering and more must be done.
According to my records, however, you haven't yet added your name to the list of supporters for this important legislation. Regardless of your position on the war, I hope we can all agree that the American people deserve justification for where their brave sons and daughters in uniform and their tax dollars are going.
The country's military leaders do not agree with the president's direction in Iraq. Neither do the American people. Please tell President Bush that he needs your consent to stay the course: after I sent my message to you on Tuesday, I made a speech to the National Press Club on this most important issue.
The message was simple: no new troops, and no funding for an escalation, unless and until Congress approves the President's plan.
In case you missed it, my staff has posted a video of the remarks on the web: action so far is just the beginning.
Tonight, will hold emergency rallies across the country to stop the escalation in Iraq. Nearly 400 events are already planned -- and if there isn't one in your neighborhood, you can organize one.
Their events tonight are critical to a unified front to stop the President's mistakes. I urge you to visit MoveOn's website, and find a rally near you: to say, I'm so grateful for the outpouring of support I've received from people like you across the country.
What I've heard from you in the last 48 hours is the same message we all heard from the election last November: enough is enough -- we need a new strategy in Iraq that will end this war.
President Bush obviously won't listen. But if we continue to mobilize and work to pass this legislation, he won't have a choice. This is still America, and the American people still have the final word.
Thank you very much.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy