The coming televised hearings on many topics will ultimately cause the ultimate downfall for FOX News,and their ilk. The recent Boxer so-called "controversy/outrage" just served to point out once again that the target market of Fox et al is the ignorant and uninformed.
Every time they manufacture something out of whole cloth like this latest incident, they will lose some viewers.I imagine lots and lots of people watched Condi and Boxer for themselves because they are intensely interested in Iraq because of their personal involvement. War, death, killing is a great way of making the apolitical political. So, some of those people heard with their own ears in real time what was actually said, and when they watched Fox later they probably said to themselves - "hey, I didn't get that impression and I saw it live."
At that point a little light bulb will go on in their viewer's head. Doubt will creep in. They will start to realize how they have been played. They will realize finally, that FOX is no place to get your news.
This same scenario will be played out over and over in the future as FOX, Rush, et al will attempt to spin the unspinnable. Ironically, they will push viewers to watch the hearings for themselves, because they will create these incidents that will make people say - "Durn! I need to see that s!@t for myself!" They will sit in front of the TV with their little notebooks so they can call in quotes to Rush or prepare for Washington Journal. And they will get an earful. And they will become informed. And they will start dropping like flies from FOX.
I feel quite sure of this.