There's been such a long line of successful assaults on basic American values in the last six years - yes, assaults - from this Administration, I favor a redress point by point, item by item, in the one venue we clearly hold.
That is, of course, the Congress - the House and the Senate.
I favor dismantling the RW agenda at it's effective base. Review previous legislation. Review those grey federal contracts. Review the relationship Congress holds with the White House. Review the K Street connections. Review our war appropriations.
Cut off funding where we can, limit the Executive where we can and demand accountability wherever we can enforce it. Then follow through.
I am as enraged as many here since the last Presidential clip - broadcast nation and world wide - yet I don't feel we are helpless in our opposition. And I don't feel we necessarily need impeachment to resolve our national dilemma. In fact, I still believe the time needed from both the House and Senate in the effort would sidetrack some legislative reclamation efforts the party has in line for the next two years.
The more we can isolate the Bush Administration from our daily agenda, the better the country will be. There are some things we can't change with their foreign policy.
We can cut off funds. We can limit the planned escalation of the Mid East War. *Both* of those pressing actions are the role of Congress. They hold more hope and possibility for short term change, and the saving of life that may represent, than any impeachment movement could engender.
And, politically - which is really the realm impeachment occurs within - the more we work to move this Administration out of an accepted American political agenda, the better off we will all be.