I am starting to feel irrelevant.
I saw this happening with Iraq, and I was stunned at how the media played war cheerleaders. I saw our country allow Junior to rush into war, and I saw people excuse away the inhumanity with each and every grave act.
Now, it's happening AGAIN. What bothers me the most about the media, is that they know better. They understand what their role is--cheerleader. I just can't believe that they would do this AGAIN--knowing what they know about Junior and how dangerous he is.
I am really feeling as if my life--and our country--truly are being controlled by forces that are too big and too powerful to stop. It seems as if the neocons will get what they want, and the media will shill for them.
And don't even get me started on the 25 percent of Americans who are also toeing the BushCo line. They're all ready starting to talk about how awful Iran is, and how we must invade. They get their morning thinking points from Limbaugh, Hannity, et al.
It's all just so perverted. Life has been turned upside down.