When one is an amoral fuckwad, it is easy enough to commit other people's kids to war and the very real possibility of death. I mean, why not? It plays well to the knuckle dragging, mouth breathing home crowd and that's all that matters, really.
Well, now that it has become obvious that the mouth breathers have taken off their war paint and game day jerseys, and stopped wagging the big 'Number 1' finger at every opportunity, things have changed. No more displays of American eagles in silly colors on some beer bellied guy's bare chest.
In tomorrow's Newsweek, Richard Wolf will have a piece speculating on the depth of the anger (fear) among Republic Party politicos facing a fast growing aversion to this stupid war from those same knuckle draggers who elected them to office.
What's a good Republic to do? Go along to get along? Not hardly. That's a sure ticket to the "Election Loser's Lounge".
Prevail on the good George to do the right thing for the party and resign? Like **that** has a snowball's chance in hell. Good George or bad, he's going nowhere he doesn't want to go. And out of office is NOT on his roadmap.
Do they reach across the snake pit called "the aisle' and join with the Dems to make impeachment a reality? That's the right thing to do. But remember the old saw that if you want a real Republican, don't vote for the Democratic 'Republican Lite". If they join with us, there's an ever so high likelihood that the hard core right wing base will see them as Vichy Repubs or, even worse, Democratic Lite.
I love irony.
This war is fucked. It has been, for people like us, since before it started. But now even its supporters - the infamous Rubber Stamp Brigade - see it about to affect them in a very personal way.
What's a Republic to do?
These are haaaard choices.
Tough shit, fuckwadlians.