Draft Karl Rove's Son
By Bill Robinson
If you Google "Draft Andrew Rove" you get nothing. Your search "did not match any documents." I'd like to know why. And, yes, I realize even asking this question may get my passport revoked.
Our president calls Karl Rove his "architect." The powers that be genuflect to him in a way unprecedented. But if this genius has had anything to do with the defining act of the Bush II administration, surely he is, as they say, "in it... to win it." Well I say, if you wanna surge baby, put your money where your mouth is.
Send your son.
Last June 9th, Andrew Rove graduated from a prominent D.C. school. Exactly 20 years ago, I did the same. Call me crazy, but I think I would have been bummed if, gripping my diploma, I looked up to see my dad eagerly helping to ship young men my age off to the slaughter. But Andrew Rove is exactly the age of the boys currently targeted by the military. True, perhaps he is not of the preferred socio-economic status of those his father would like to see die in vain, sweating in a foreign desert, oddly aware of the heat, just before the IED explodes, tearing them limb from limb; but he could be helpful in Centcom.
Shouldn't there be some gesture of authenticity in this latest round of bloody cheerleading? Where's the conviction that this escalation-- I mean, "surge"-- can triumph? I know, I know, we can't send the Bush twins, they're drunk. And Condi has no offspring to offer up. She's married to her, um, job. But Karl Rove, the man all too happy to take credit for the Decider-in-Chief, has the perfect candidate to show us what he really believes in. Why not send Andrew? He's not exactly curing cancer. Last I heard, he was volunteering for the Governor of Texas. And we all know where that can lead.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-robinson/draft-karl-roves-son_b_38754.htmlI know that this post will get a few posts to the effect of "why blame the son for the father's wrongs... why punish the innocent for what the guilty have done"...My first thought on seeing the headline was, "Don't draft the son--draft KARL ROVE!" However, I do not shed any tears for his son. His son is no more innocent than are the YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE BEING CONNED INTO ENTERING THE MILITARY, AND WHO ARE NOW COMING BACK WITH NO ARMS AND LEGS--OR IN A BOX. Bravo to Bill Robinson for coming out and saying what I have often thought: let's take the family members of the evil perpetrators of this fraudulent war. It seems nothing short of that will stop the perps from continuing in their mission to destroy EVERYONE ELSE'S FUTURE.