John Kerry is UNFIT to be President of the United States and UNFIT to represent the OLD Democratic Party. New Dems maybe but defintely not Old Dems.
V.S.I'm with the OLD American Century where good old-fashioned Democratic values are good enough!
Today, on the issue of the war in Iraq, it is John Kerry who is all pious rectitude.
"I think the administration owes the entire country a full explanation on this war - not just their exaggerations but on the failure of American intelligence," Kerry said following the stunning announcement by David Kay, the Bush administration's former lead investigator in Iraq, that "we were all wrong" about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in that country. The problem for Sen. Kerry, of course, is that he, too, is culpable in the massive breach of public trust that has come to light regarding Iraq, WMD and the rush to war.
Almost 30 years after his appearance before the Senate, Sen. Kerry was given the opportunity to make good on his promises that he had learned the lessons of Vietnam. During a visit to Washington in April 2000, when I lobbied senators and representatives for a full review of American policy regarding Iraq, I spoke with John Kerry about what I held to be the hyped-up intelligence regarding the threat posed by Iraq's WMD. "Put it in writing," Kerry told me, "and send it to me so I can review what you're saying in detail."
I did just that, penning a comprehensive article for Arms Control Today, the journal of the Arms Control Association, on the "Case for the Qualitative Disarmament of Iraq." This article, published in June 2000, provided a detailed breakdown of Iraq's WMD capability and made a comprehensive case that Iraq did not pose an imminent threat. I asked the Arms Control Association to send several copies to Sen. Kerry's office but, just to make sure,
I sent him one myself. I never heard back from the senator. Two years later, in the buildup toward war that took place in the summer of 2002, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on which Kerry sits, convened a hearing on Iraq. At that hearing a parade of witnesses appeared, testifying to the existence of WMD in Iraq. Featured prominently was Khidir Hamza, the self-proclaimed "bombmaker to Saddam," who gave stirring first-hand testimony to the existence of not only nuclear weapons capability, but also chemical and biological weapons as well. Every word of Hamza's testimony has since been proved false. Despite receiving thousands of phone calls, letters and e-mails demanding that dissenting expert opinion, including my own, be aired at the hearing, Sen. Kerry apparently did nothing, allowing a sham hearing to conclude with the finding that there was "no doubt" Saddam Hussein had WMD. ((Hamza's testimony is pasted at the end of this post so you can see what a CHARADE he presented! There is NO way ANYONE was misled and if they were- they are not smart enough to be President! Never mind what that unprincipled DLC says! ))<snip>
Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!
Military Families Speak Out and Veterans for Peace members meeting with Senator John Kerry's Staff
Military Families:
On Thursday, March 6, members of Military Families Speak Out and Veterans for Peace met with Massachusetts Senator John Kerry's staff in Boston. Because Senator Kerry has announced that he is running for President, and because he was one of the founders of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, we wanted to find out more about his current position on war in Iraq (he voted for Bush's war resolution in October, 2002).
We raised a number of issues in this meeting, but boiled it down to two questions that we wanted immediate answers to:
(1) Does Senator Kerry believe that George Bush should be making the decision whether or not the U.S. invades Iraq?
(2) Does Senator Kerry believe that NOW is the time for our kids and loved ones to start coming home in body bags -- which will happen if this decision to go to war is unconstitutionally left up to George Bush?
The reponse from Senator Kerry's staff:
"He voted the way he voted in October; he stands by that vote."We left the meeting and reported back to the press and a group demonstrating against the war outside. Our press conference was covered by several TV networks and print media.
While we were not at all happy with the response we got from Senator Kerry's staff, at least it was finally some kind of answer rather than absolutely waffling, ducking and covering.
Tomorrow, in commemoration of International Women's Day, there will be a large Women Against the War demonstration outside of Senator Kerry's office at noon.
We encourage everyone to keep the pressure up on our members of Congress who have abdicated their responsibility to discuss and debate the most momentous decision a nation can make: the decision about taking a country to war.
It is time to bring democracy back to the United States.In Peace and Solidarity,
Nancy Lessin and Charley Richardson
What is Veterans For Peace?
Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is structured around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. There is an annual convention in August for members from across the nation. Members receive periodic VFP publications.
The organization includes men and women veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, other conflicts and peactime veterans. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary.
Veterans For Peace is an official Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) represented at the UN.
A brief history of Veterans for Peace:
July 8, 1985
VFP founded and incorporated in Maine by Jerry Genesio (USMC/56-62), Judy Genesio, Rev. Willard Bicket (USA/WWII), Doug Rawlings (USA/Vietnam) and Ken Perkins (USN/Korea) who were disturbed by the militancy of the United States and its violent intervention in the affairs of other nations.
More: ===
This REALLY needs to be read. There is NO WAY in hell that Kerry was "mis-led"/ NONE of them were "mis-led". At least Lieberman and Edwards have the courage of their convictions and don't try to plead TEMPORARY INSANITY. HEARING OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY,
September 24, 2002
REP. KUCINICH: Dr. Hamza, I have a map of the region here. It's Iraq, and it's up on the screen. Can you tell this committee where Iraq's nuclear sites currently are located?
MR. HAMZA: Actually, that's -- Congressman, that's not the point right now. The point is --
REP. KUCINICH: So you cannot tell where the sites are?
MR. HAMZA: Nobody can actually.
MR. HAMZA: Because the sites are now mostly underground, according al-Haideri, who defected recently and built some of those sites. The sites --
REP. KUCINICH: You say they're underground. Do you know where they are underground?
MR. HAMZA: They are all over the country. They are within civilian infrastructure and government infrastructure.
REP. KUCINICH: So you're saying there are nuclear sites all over the country?
REP. KUCINICH: Underground?
MR. HAMZA: Underground.
REP. KUCINICH: But no one knows where they are?
MR. HAMZA: Nobody knows. Some are above ground, some underground, some in civilian infrastructure. Nobody -- that's why inspection is problematic right now.
REP. KUCINICH: You know, I'm certainly in agreement with members of this committee who favor inspections. But I'm just trying to establish -- the witness says that there are nuclear sites, they're underground and no one knows where they are. So --
MR. HAMZA: Not necessarily underground. I said some may be underground, some above ground.
REP. KUCINICH: Do you know where the ones above ground are? Can you tell us?
MR. HAMZA: They are no longer where they were. Nobody knows outside Iraq right now exactly where the sites are located. They are spread, fragmented and hidden.
REP. KUCINICH: Well, when --
MR. HAMZA: That would be an easy job if somebody knows and can tell you right away and you just go there.
REP. KUCINICH: Well, linguistic construction is a marvelous science and when we say that there are sites above ground, that is a flat declarative sentence and it implies that we know where the sites are.
MR. HAMZA: No, I said they could be. I said nobody knows. They could be above ground, they could be underground. A recent defector told us he built 20 underground, but that doesn't mean that these sites are all there is. So nobody knows.
REP. KUCINICH: Okay. They could be underground, they could be above ground, nobody knows?
MR. HAMZA: Correct.
REP. KUCINICH: They could exist, they may not exist. Nobody knows and that's why we're talking about inspections. Now, what's the -- because as a member of Congress my concern is that we have proof. Proof is proof. I think the Canadian prime minister said that in a couple of different languages. And so I'm interested if the witness has any proof as to where they are underground, or where they are above ground; not that there may be weapons above ground or underground.
Now, can you tell us, Dr. Hamza, what's the current status of the Iraqi nuclear weapons program? And in your answer, not only information about fissile material everyone speaks of, but also its tamper materials, electrical materials, explosive materials, arming systems and the equipment to process these into a weapon.
MR. HAMZA: What you have in the nuclear weapon program, since already I said there is not a single defector that came out of Iraq from the core of the program. That goes for all weapons of mass destruction, since 1995. So what you have now is what you had before the Gulf War: circumstantial evidence. Purchase of equipment, some second or third tier defectors who tell us some -- like al-Haideri, the civil engineer. Lots of indicators, including equipment purchases, intercepted purchases, activity of certain groups. So what we have is what you have always in a nuclear weapon. The Indian test in 1974 -- there were no proof and everybody was talking about circumstantial evidence.
REP. KUCINICH: Well, let me ask you this. What kind of a weapon is Iraq trying to build: a Hiroshima bomb, you know, a gun-type uranium device? Or a Nagasaki bomb, or a plutonium implosion device, a thermonuclear bomb, a radiological bomb, or all of the above?
MR. HAMZA: It's both nuclear and radiological. We already tested. That's been explained by the inspectors who already were there. Iraq tested the radiological bomb in 1988, but tested it in the desert, not in a building or an environment where --
REP. KUCINICH: What year was that, sir?
MR. HAMZA: 1988. And that was --
REP. KUCINICH: And does it have that same facility now? Does it have that same --
MR. HAMZA: No, no. It was one test -- one major test and one small test, and the tests were non-conclusive. I'm not saying it was an effective weapon at the time. It was tested in the desert, it was tested as a weapon of war and it proved to be not as effective as it should be. But as a weapon of terror, it's another story. Now, as for nuclear weapons, Iraq -- inspectors found that out also. They have documents and everything was revealed, you don't just have to take just my word for it. Iraq was working, and is working I believe, on making an implosion device of the Hiroshima type or size. And --
REP. KUCINICH: When was that?
MR. HAMZA: It was when I was there and it continued, I believe.
REP. KUCINICH: Did you work on that?
MR. HAMZA: Yes. I worked on the design.
REP. KUCINICH: And when were you there?
MR. HAMZA: I was till 1994.
REP. KUCINICH: And you were working on that at 1994, and when is the last --
MR. HAMZA: No, 90 --
REP. KUCINICH: When is the last time you were working on that?
MR. HAMZA: I worked on it last time before the Gulf War. But I believe, according to the people I also saw, work continued till 1994.
REP. KUCINICH: Was this a facility that inspectors later on saw?
MR. HAMZA: Yes. It is in El Ethir (ph) facility. Inspectors were there, they destroyed the facility and destroyed some of the equipment. They had what is called then -- was declared to be a smoking gun, which was a design -- a workable design for a nuclear weapon. And so the knowledge base is there. The research done is more or less complete. What is needed is just the fissile material.
REP. KUCINICH: To your knowledge, were there ever any United States companies that provided Iraq with materials or with equipment that was used in any nuclear weapons?
MR. HAMZA: There were attempts. No, not major pieces of equipment.
REP. KUCINICH: Anything -- for example?
MR. HAMZA: I don't know of any that the U.S. itself -- but the Germans did supply us with some of the equipment we used to test and develop the nuclear weapon.
REP. KUCINICH: What was provided?
MR. HAMZA: By the U.S. government -- by the U.S. sources?
REP. KUCINICH: By the German government, you were saying.
MR. HAMZA: By German and other sources, we had Japanese sources, we had fast cameras that --
REP. KUCINICH: When was that?
MR. HAMZA: That was in '89/90.
REP. KUCINICH: That was a time that, Mr. Chairman, I'll be presenting some documents to this committee that will show that according to information provided through --
MR. HAMZA: I was not here. I don't know.
REP. KUCINICH: -- the State Department that there was United States companies involved in sending over certain materials to Iraq to assist them in the development of this program. Now we know they were destroyed. And I would take it, based on your testimony, that you're willing to agree that even the programs that you worked on were destroyed. Nevertheless, I think it's valuable to have you here to talk about what it was like before they were destroyed.
The only other thing I want to do, Mr. Chairman, is to -- just for the purposes -- when we began this, I have some of Mr. Hamza's statements that are verbatim transcripts of CNN on October 22, 2001, that establish his position on some of these issues that have come up here. I want to tell Mr. Hamza I'm glad you came before this committee. But at the same time, I think it's very important that none of your experience -- which is valid, it's your experience -- be interpreted by the media today as being proof of the current existence in Iraq of useable weapons of mass destruction, of the ability to deliver those weapons. You know, that's my concern.
I'm not going to discount your proof when you worked for Iraq's weapons program. I'm sure that what you know about that program is marvelous. But I'm equally sure, based on the intelligence that I've heard from my country's intelligence agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, that Iraq does not currently have useable weapons of mass destruction. And that's what I have to go on. So I appreciate your --
MR. HAMZA: You mean nuclear or otherwise?
REP. KUCINICH: I'm -- Dr. Hamza, please. I'm saying that I'm taking my position based on information I received from our Central Intelligence Agency. So thank you for being here, and I'm going to ask the chair if he'd be so kind as to include in the record these statements from CNN, as well as an article where -- we always have to be cautious in these hearings about information that's brought forward in a climate which is potentially inflammatory, because a few years ago Congress was presented with information about the Iraqi government being involved in troops storming hospitals, stealing incubators and leaving babies to die on the floor. It turned out that incident, which was brought to inflame the American public, was not true.
I'd like to submit that into the record too. These hearings are always very interesting. I want to thank the chair.