. . .our common contract: the Constitution of the United States.
Bush and Cheney have turned Americans into torturers. They have made the United States an international pariah. They abuse the massive power of the American presidency to break and nullify our laws.
The horrors of the Bush regime
all started with their theft of the 2000 Presidential election. The Constitution went into breach on December 12th, 2000 with the treasonous Bush v. Gore edict.
We demand that members of Congress swear to defend against such horrors. We gave them the weapons they need to do it. To date, they have betrayed us. They failed to throw out the unlawful Florida electors on January 6th, 2001. They are failing impeach Bush and Cheney for torture. They are failing impeach them for their war crimes. They are failing to impeach them for their criminal domestic spying program.
The Constitution is being destroyed in plain sight. Every day that the men and women we empowered to stop them refuse to do their duty, the torturers and election thieves are emboldened. If Congress continues to fail us, we ain't see nothin' yet. Although some consequences are unimaginable, we can be certain of one thing. As the fascists become more emboldened and entrenched, we won't be able to trust the outcome of ANY election.
http://journals.democraticunderground.com/Senator/11">Only Impeachment can stop them. Only Impeachment can rescue our Constitution. Only impeachment can stop our descent into fascism.
Anything less than a call to impeach right now is just sound and fury, signifying nothing.