I was discussing presidential politics with an acquaintance of mine who just seems to know everyone. You know the type. He's a lobbyist. He has pictures in his office of him with Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and John Kerry. He's worked on various local and state campaigns.
He tells me Obama is getting fundraising help indirectly from Rahm Emanuel. He wouldn't elaborate. So I visited Google looking for some connection.
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, a veteran of Bill Clinton's campaigns who helped engineer Democrats' congressional victories last fall, said the potential candidacy of Mr. Obama, his fellow Chicagoan, reflects the first "truly grass-roots draft" he's ever seen. "It should be a wake-up call to the party establishment in both parties."Seeking to explain Mr. Obama's appeal, Mr. Emanuel, who also remains uncommitted, said, "Every president is an answer to their predecessor in some capacity. If you think, as I do, that George Bush is the most divisive president in recent memory, Barack as a force for unity is a perfect antidote to the Bush years."http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB116896016975977703-iBv4Vl2_pBGfnCSYDCnQK_cfVro_20070216.html?mod=tff_main_tff_topOK. Emanuel takes Obama's campaign seriously. Thinks Obama is the perfect anti-Bush. Doesn't really say or imply support, though.
One House leader with potentially divided loyalties is Rahm Emanuel (Ill.). The Democratic Caucus chairman and 2006 electoral hero has close ties to the Chicago political community certain to back Obama as well as to Sen. Clinton and her husband, whom Emanuel served as a campaign strategist and senior White House aide. Emanuel has demurred on the question of his 2008 allegiances, although his brother Ari has helped raise money for Obama.Hmmm... his brother Ari?
All conjecture at the moment, to be sure. And it could ultimately be a minor footnote in the '08 campaign when all is said and done.
But interesting conjecture, to be sure...
The lead-up to Nov. 2008 is going to be one hell of a ride.