Edited on Thu Jan-18-07 03:00 PM by Superman Returns
America has never been ready. It wasn't ready for slavery to abolished because the country was violently divided. It wasn't ready for federal labor laws because big business was too powerful. It wasn't ready for a woman's suffrage because tradition says woman are not equal to men. It wasn't ready for the New Deal because the government had never played such an active role before. It wasn't ready for an end to segregation because the south was violently opposed to it. It wasn't ready for civil rights because it would cause too much social unrest. Lets just say that MLK should have took it easy for awhile and not stir up too much trouble. After all, blacks would get their rights eventually, its just that America wasn't ready for it yet.
America has never been ready. Good thing people stood up, fought for change, and made us ready.
The next time I hear people say America is not ready for a female or black President, I ask you, when will it ever be ready unless WE the people say it is? Whats the difference between now and 20 years from now in terms of the elect ability of a female or black president if we keep saying "we are not ready." Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama may not be presidential material to some because of their record. Yes, Hillary Clinton may not be the best to carry swing states as opposed to a Kathleen Selebius. Yes, Barack Obama is a bit green in national politics. But I'll be damned if people don't support them because they feel these candidates have low electoral chances simply because of their gender or race. That to me, is aiding and abetting the forces of racism and prejudice. People on supposed progressive boards keep saying America is not ready. Last time I checked, the word "progress" should play heavily into our views.
So my question is, are we ready?