The lapdog rubber stamp crowd is gone. The inquisitors are on the ascendant, and he's forced to deal with them now, not a friendly crowd of powderpuffs and other assorted pushovers. THAT is probably making him unhappy.
That said, your point is shrewd and very well-taken. LONG PAST time we put his smug little ass on the hot seat. And it would be rawther nice to figure out other ways to make things unpleasant for him. What we should be doing, just in general, is starting so many fires around these assholes that they can't fight them all. That they don't see them coming anymore. That they find themselves surrounded and overwhelmed - on all sides. That there are just too many holes in the dike, while they run out of fingers with which to plug them. As we were taught in sparring class at the karate school - "keep 'em busy. Keep 'em busy." ALWAYS. Keep jabbing. Keep punching. Keep kicking. When they think they can anticipate your strategy, change it up. And at ALL TIMES, WITHOUT FAIL, RELENTLESSLY...
Our LITTLE alberto needs his hands so full that he can't keep a grip on anything anymore.
And remember THIS, too: These guys are a little soft. Flabby. A touch out of condition. They've had several years, straight, of everything going their way, everybody bending over, everybody pitching them softballs. They're not accustomed to having to face real, serious, credible adversaries who are out for blood and who are forcing the issue and asking the tough questions again and again. They're used to dealing with pushovers, not opponents with teeth and sharpened claws (OR subpoena power). Which also is good for OUR side. I think they got lazy. I think they just figured they're working with the same paradigm here. Which is why Mr. "Torture's Okay" tried to blow off the "HOW MANY people have you fired? What's the NUMBER? SHOW ME THE NUMBER!" A) He never faced serious, repeated, relentless questioning about anything before, and B) he undoubtedly figured the same old stonewalling would work again, that if he stalls, the questioner just gives up and goes away. But we're Under New Management now, and the new guys aren't working from the old familiar playbook that alberto is used to working with. He doesn't HAVE the playbook now, so he's at an additional disadvantage. Which is VERY nice!
Plus, I suspect the little, subtle, internal things are working against people like gonzales now, too. Now that the heat's turned up under his ass, he's probably losing sleep a little. Things aren't running swimmingly anymore, OR according to his plans. These new people never got the memo, and probably will refuse delivery if he tries to send them one. Now he has to try to second-guess a bunch of new people whom he dismissed, outright, in his smugness back when he and his were on top, and whose ways he doesn't know or recognize. And as he sleeps fitfully at night, now, he'll wake up the next morning a little more tired, a little more cranky, maybe a kink in his neck or lower back. He'll probably be looking for the Doan's Pills - or perhaps something a little, um, "more effective" soon? Or maybe an extra martini. He'll be working harder so that nice trip to the gym or the masseuse will figure less and less in his schedule (at a time when he could probably use it more). And because the Dems have decreed that everyone on Capitol Hill now will work a FULL FIVE-DAY WEEK, that means he and his staff are gonna have to stay at it longer to meet that challenge. They don't DARE knock off early anymore. Which, again, pushes them even farther out of their comfort zone.
They are operating at a distinct, and growing, disadvantage now. REMEMBER THAT.
They've already made a major "concession," if you will, backing off on the FISA court matter and the domestic spying debacle. Even if it's only slightly, it's being played up in the media which makes it look like a far bigger concession than it may actually be. PERCEPION, guys. PERCEPTION. So they're already off their game. GOOD!!!!!!! As long as Leahy keeps coming back with a surprise jab at the end (when alberto clearly assumed it was all over and settled and he'd put that one to bed), this guy will be WAY off his game and farther and farther outside his comfort zone. And he'll be far less effective as an adversary as a result. BTW - if you think there's turmoil and discomfort for alberto, imagine that, MANY-FOLD, all over his offices - and the entire Justice Department. If he is resting uncomfortably, SO IS EVERYBODY ELSE on his team. 'Cause if he's under fire, you can bet he's put his staff on an even hotter hot seat than he's in, trying to give him enough ammo to fend off these unwelcome challenges (and they won't be able to anticipate them ALL). This guy's gonna be blindsided again. And again.