"Senate Committee
Justice Department Oversight
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 196247 - 01/18/2007 - 3:36 - $240.00
"Leahy, Patrick J. U.S. Senator, D-VT
Gonzales, Alberto R. Attorney General, Department of Justice
"Attorney General Gonzales testified about Justice Department operations and answered questions on law enforcement and judicial policy. Among the issues he addressed were the recent decision by the Bush administration to submit domestic surveillance programs to federal court review despite earlier claims that to do so might endanger counterterrorism operations. Members questioned him about the process agreed to by the foreign intelligence surveillance court, the nature of the requests being made for warrants, and the timing of the decision."
http://inside.c-spanarchives.org:8080/cspan/cspan.csp?command=dprogram&record=550111654i've been looking for a video of this online and this is the only thing i'm finding! wtf? since when did cspan go totally capitalistic?