The crowds drawn to the last minute panel is just more evidence that impeachment is where the energy is.
From election was a cry for help; a cry to "Get us out of Bush world."
Instead of answering that cry by impeaching Bush and Cheney (the ONLY way out of Bush world), the Congressional leadership has done everything in their power to suppress that outrage with drivel about "bipartisanship" and declarations that "impeachment is off the table."
As long as impeachment is "off the table" the national outrage has no outlet.
Sure, Americans are outraged that Bush, Cheney, and their minions terrorized us into the quagmire in Iraq with threats of mushroom clouds, but there is no good way out of a quagmire. National ambivalence about what to do stifles energy.
When the Congressional leadership recognizes their duty and finds the courage to stand up and make the irrefutable case for impeachment they will give voice to the outrage and engage voters across the political spectrum.
The Democratic Party's failure to take up the fight for impeachment is symptomatic of a deeply ingrained pattern of self-defeating behavior. (We have seen the enemy, and">it is us).
Their failure stand up and fulfill their oath is deplorable, but what makes it so heartbreaking is that they are failing to seize an unprecedented opportunity to tap into the motherlode of energy and seething outrage.
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