Here was my reply and theirs.....
The last paragraph of this email should be what we all are fighting for...
freedom to make these opinions... and still love one another.....
No more fighting DU!!!
if a hardliner can still love a lib like me.... over John Edwards house.... we should be able to do it!!
I don't want to argue with you, everyone has a different opinion about
helping the poor and what causes them to be and stay that way.
I have tried to never send you emails about my opinions, especially politics
and religion. That is not our relationship.
I saw the article that Newsmax was sending out about John Edwards,I still
can't figure out what he did wrong? I don't think he was trying to say he
was one of them, he was just trying to bring a forgotton situation to light!
Here are his words... are right, "Perhaps if we'd stop sending all of our money all over the
world, we could really prove ourselves as the wealthiest country in the
world with no hunger here, we cannot have everything."'s change what we can, not argue about what we can't do anything
And their reply.....
Now... Come on. You have sent me plenty of "bush jabs" - LOL. He isn't my
favorite and never has been, just hard to choose between such a bunch of
schmucks. The mere fact Billary is running is a joke, yet really scares the
crap out of me. Obama (educated in a Muslim school) is scary too. I'd much
rather see John Edwards in office than either one of those two.
I have to choose those who err on the side of conservative views, less
taxes, less hand outs, more values.
And of course I was being facetious when I said. "Perhaps if we'd stop
sending all of our money all over the world, we
> could really prove ourselves as the wealthiest country in the world
> with no hunger here, we cannot have everything." What this means is that
people criticize the government for "policing the world" and we should do
more right here in America, then all of the sudden the government is
criticized for protecting it's people and we should do more for Sudan and
other such countries in peril. No one truly supports our government (you and
I included) no matter who is in office. When Harry Truman (a democrat)
dropped an A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (right or wrong), America went
to war together. People were being the president. People were behind JFK
when he was in office. I don't think there has been a great president since
Ronald Reagan. Seems he ended and era of presidents who weren't afraid to
speak their mind and were backed by their people. They are all men, not
super humans, which is hard for everyone to understand. One more reason why
checks and balances is such a great system... No one becomes a dictator. The
government must hide things from us in order to keep us safe. I cannot
imagine knowing all of the possible things which might have occurred if we
didn't have super intelligence. It is very scary more lives were lost on
9/11 than in Pearl Harbor, people don't seem to remember that when we battle
the terrorists. It is a shame morals and values are not a part of our
society today.
The best part of all is that you and I are free to say and think as we
please because this is America, because people have fought and died for our
rights. No other country on earth is as great as this one, but I think you
know that!
You know I love ya -- Democrat and all :o)
There is still love that can see us through our hard times
edited for spelling