Probably won't get armored vehicles..Where is that HUGE amount of money in the budget for the pentagon that's been so much for so long.. what is it being spent on?
There is no excuses for this crap. Congress needs to get the Pentagon to cough up the documentation and proof of where those billions disappear to and what they are used for.Because this "surge" idiocy is looking more and more like we are sending our citizens over there to be 21,000 sitting ducks.
WASHINGTON - After nearly four years of war in Iraq, the Pentagon's effort to protect its troops against roadside bombs is in disarray, with soldiers and Marines having to swap access to scarce armored vehicles, and the military unsure whether it has the money or industrial capacity to produce the safe vehicles it says the troops need.
On Jan. 10, The Baltimore Sun reported that most of the 21,500 troops President Bush has ordered to Iraq as reinforcements will not have access to specialized blast-resistant armored vehicles because they are in such short supply.