States that have early presidential contests or are considering moving their contests to early February:
ALABAMA: Has moved its presidential primary to Feb. 5, 2008. In 2004, it held its primary in June.
ARIZONA: Held a primary on the first Tuesday of February 2004. Gov. Janet Napolitano has not set the primary date for 2008, but many expect Arizona will go on Feb. 5, 2008. In 2004, it held its primary on the first Tuesday in February.
ARKANSAS: Moved its primary from May 2004 to Feb. 5, 2008.
CALIFORNIA: Democrats and Republicans in California are interested in moving the state's primary to Feb. 5, 2008.
DELAWARE: Set to hold its primary on Feb. 5, 2008. In 2004, it held its primary on the first Tuesday in February.
FLORIDA: Florida lawmakers have proposed holding the state's primaries a week after New Hampshire, which is slated for Jan. 22 but has not been formally set by the secretary of state. If Florida moves its primary to a date before Feb. 5, it could find itself in a fight with national Democrats and Republicans.
ILLINOIS: Some Illinois lawmakers have suggested moving the Illinois primary to early February to help Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.
(more) list does not include Maine's Feb 10 caucus.