Howard Dean and John Kerry have C_L_E_A_R_L_Y enunciated a comprehensive plan for Iraq, which was covered as page 14 material some six weeks ago, and Both Kerry and Dean have been repeating themselves on the subject for
over a year. OK I'll save you the trouble of looking it up. Kerry and Dean have both said, we need to withdraw our troops from the chaos and shambles that is southern Iraq and redeploy in the North , with an eye towards an eventual station "over the horizon" in Kuwait at our bases there. Kerry says we should be pursuing diplomatic solutions and assistance from those who have the most to lose in this game, Iraq's neighbors, and NATO, who will be needing a piece of that oil. Yes, that includes Iran. Dean and Kerry have repeatedly issued calls for the UN to involve in diffusing the civil war.
Not that it is
our responsibility to take over the train wreck in progress, but imagine the lives saved by now if those goddamn idiots in the White House had listened at all.