I have heard it speculated the past several years that BushCo was using the strategic petroleum reserve as a mechanism to keep oil prices artificially high (ie ... they time buys in the "open" market every time there is any price weakness in such a way that speculators are able to predict the timing and ride the wave ever higher).
So alas the reserve has been filled ... and since the New Years celebrations, the price of crude oil has dropped precipitously, 15-20% .... Even the Saudis have expressed concern, but not enough so as to curb their greed and curtail production ... after all, there is a "shortage" you know ... all you want if you are willing to pay the price.
So what happens today ...
Look who's out talking up the price of oil. Its Exxon's chief shill in BushCos cabinet ...
Energy prices spiked after the Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said the U.S. will double the size of the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve
http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070123/wall_street.html?.v=40Did ya all see Cheney wink at his GOPer pals when Chimpy outlined his "energy plan" during the state of delusion speach tonight ...