Amnesty International USA: The America We Believe in Leads the World on Human Rights
Help us put up bus shelter ads on Capitol Hill that the new Congress can't ignore.
Tell Congress: The America we believe in does not use torture!
Sponsor an ad!
Dear Supporter,
Guilty until proven innocent. Held indefinitely without charge or trial. Cruel and unusual punishment. With some of its conduct in the war on terror, the Bush administration has made the world less secure, weakened America's influence, and betrayed the very principles America believes in.
Please help us take our message straight to Capitol Hill this month, and demand that the new Congress return the U.S. government to its founding ideals of justice. your sponsorship, we'll put 33 bus shelter ads on and around Capitol Hill proudly proclaiming that "The America we believe in would not torture people" and "The America we believe in would close Guantanamo Bay." So far, we've raised 68% of the funds needed to cover our advertising costs. This is your last chance to help close the gap.
You can sponsor an ad for a single day for $43, a week for $303, or even a whole month for $1,344. And if you sponsor a bus shelter ad for the entire month, we'll send you the original 4x6 foot artwork once the ad is taken down.
Your donation can help ensure that Amnesty International does not miss this unique opportunity to send the newly elected Congress a powerful message. Please sponsor an ad today!
Thank you in advance for your personal commitment to restoring the America we believe in. I'm so glad you're part of this fight with us.
Larry Cox
Executive Director
Amnesty International USA
P.S. This is a great opportunity to get our message right in the faces of members of Congress. And if you can make a "stretch" gift and cover the cost of an ad for the entire month, you'll receive the original 4x6 foot artwork once our bus shelter ads are taken down. Don't miss this chance to take home a tangible piece of our hard-hitting campaign!
© Copyright 2007Amnesty International USA5 Penn PlazaNew York, NY 10001212.807.8400