Clark has done well enough in all of the states where he has had enough resources to mostly get around the media blockade to show that he does win support from Democrats who get the chance to know him. That means, to me, that Clark has what it takes to potentially be our nominee.
Worst case, even if Clark comes in third in TN, Clark could, if need be, back off the pace a little to save money. However he should formally remain in the race, to participate in the public debate, but mostly just in case something happens to suddenly make Kerry less popular, and things like that CAN happen.
I think a lot of Kerry supporters would pick easily pick Wesley Clark over John Edwards, if Kerry self destructed, because Clark also is a decorated war hero with international expertise. On top of that, if Dean fails to turn it around, Clark would be a second choice for some of his supporters as well, somewhere (not anywhere near mind you - they can all stick with Dean until the last vote is counted if they want, they too have earned it) down the road.
Clark has become a major spokesperson for the Democratic Party on important issues. If he comes in less than tied for second in TN (I love saying that in this context), Clark could become our "National Guard" candidate, ready to be mobilized to step into the breech if events turn that way, and Kerry starts to stumble. Clark and Kerry are at opposite ends of a See Saw. When one surges the other sinks and vice versa. Edwards may be edging Clark now, we will see, but Edwards can't grab leaking support from Kerry the way Clark can, and if support doesn't leak from Kerry, well that's the ball game, isn't it?
I'm sorry, but even with his strong media back wind, Edwards never could pull away from Clark in any State where Clark made a stand. There is no reason to think that Edwards would ever pull more of Kerry's votes than Clark could. I still firmly believe that only Kerry or Clark can actually win the nomination, not Edwards, though Edwards might well get to play the role of runner up. If Kerry implodes, Clark needs to be available to step back in and pick up the pieces.
Meanwhile we need Clark out on the campaign, speaking to crowds and making the damning case against Bush as a failed War Time President that only Clark seems able to fully, and powerfully, express.