Want Congress To Reform Labor Law To End Employer Intimidation - 01/25/07
By Doug Cunningham
Workers like Bill Longhorn, a forklift driver in Ohio fired for union organizing by Consolidated Biscuit Company, continue to fight for their legal right to form unions against employer intimidation and flouting of the law. Longhorn says management openly threatened to fire him for excercising his right to organize.
: “She actually told me in front of all these people that if the union lost the election I would be fired. And the day after the election I was fired.”
That’s why Longhorn supports changing labor law with the Employee Free Choice Act to make it easier for workers to choose unions free of employer intimidation. The National Labor Relations Board ordered Bill’s employer to give him his job back with full back pay but with no teeth I nthe law he’s still waiting.
: “Even when these employers lose in these hearings they win. It’s been four and a half years, they’ve done nothing. They don’t have to do anything. This law needs to be changed.”
Maggie Nielson is a Chicago nurse at Our Lady of the Resurrection Hospital.
: “Despite Resurrection’s intimidation tactics and other effects to keep us from organizing I continue to fight for my freedom to join a union. I know that to provide the best care for our patients we must first improve working conditions for ourselves and have a voice in how we deliver the care.”