Hillary = the press by ms in la -- posted at kos
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2007/1/18/73945/4794/55#c55I posted this data a few weeks ago at General Clarks blog - CCN.
A Clinton- Corpress love affair Who's the Number One recipient of media contributions in 2006 cycle?:
Media donations in general
Hillary Clinton
Media donations to all Senators
Hillary Clinton
Books/ magazines/ newspapers
Hillary Clinton (receiving 3 times the #2 recipient)
Cable TV
Hillary Clinton (receiving over 2 times the #2 recipient)
TV/ Movies/ Music
Hillary Clinton (recieving 4 times the #2 recipient)
TV / Radio stations
Hillary Clinton (the other 4 of the top 5 are all Republicans)
Communications/ Electronics
Hillary Clinton
TV Production
Hillary Clinton
And in the year 2000-- she was NUMBER 2 in Media Donations to ALL recipients following #1: Al Gore.
All data from opensecrets.org
http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.asp?Ind=B02&Cycle=2006&recipdetail=A&Mem=N&sortorder=UMy Theory:
Imagine you are a corporate press mover and shaker, a "decider"-- with an agenda to maintain the corporate status quo in Washington and the world at large, and a big budget to help get you there.
Imagine you are repeatedly reminded by Rovian whispers in your ear who to keep in office, who to newly elect in order to insure that plan was forever viable and intact.
When the right wing of the bird is broken and flailing... you need to prop it up, make it look better. Best way to do that is to make the left wing look worse.
Imagine you had all decided (you and your cohorts in the corp press) that the best and perhaps only way to insure that your guys stay in power and survive a left wing coup at a time when you're polling is at its nadir, would be to mightily endorse the candidate for Pres on the other side the least likely to succeed... the most polarizing, and - because you're in Infotainment- the one who would also provide the most entertainment value whilst being swifted. Guaranteeing a win for your guy and a good time for viewers while bringing the opposition down. And healthy ratings to keep your bottom line fat and position secured.
Because you not only have the budget-- you know you have the airwaves, most all of them, ergo-- the power to influence.
The Hillary formula. And the reason the Media have donated more to Hillary over the past 4 years than anyone else.