Dear Fellow Conservative,
Every time Republicans betray our conservative principles, we lose.
We saw this clearly last November when we lost our majorities in Congress.
And I believe we'll see it again in 2008 if we fail to nominate a presidential candidate who follows firmly in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan.
To put it another way, if we're going to win in 2008...
..if we're going to keep the Oval Office in Republican hands and win back control of Congress...
..then the 2008 Republican presidential nominee absolutely, positively must be a rock-solid:
Leave out ANY one of those "three branches" of conservatism and we risk disaster at the polls.
That reality is why I'm writing you today.
Many Americans believe I am the only Republican candidate for President who is best positioned to unite all three branches of the conservative coalition and lead us to victory in 2008.
But to win, I urgently need the help of conservative grassroots activists like you.
My record is one that I am proud of.
The American Conservative Union (ACU) is generally considered the foremost judge of who is truly acting like a conservative in Washington.
Their rankings are listed in all major political almanacs and reference guides and are often quoted by the media. They track "a wide variety of issues before Congress" and their ratings are designed to "obtain a balanced, comprehensive picture of an individual member's ideological predisposition."
So where do I stand according to the ACU?
My lifetime rating from the ACU is 95 out of 100.
How did I receive such a high rating?
By consistently and proudly voting as an across-the-board conservative.
The truth about the 2008 Republican presidential primary is that most of the candidates running are very similar on economic and national security policies.
The big difference is on social issues.
And I can tell you without any hesitation that absolutely no one else in this field has fought harder or more consistently for our traditional values than I have.
That's why I'm ranked so strongly by the ACU.
And it's why I believe I'm the best candidate to unite all three branches of the conservative coalition that elected President Reagan twice and President George W. Bush twice.
When it comes to politics, my philosophy centers around what I describe as "The Three R's": I believe we must reduce the size, scope and obtrusiveness of the federal government.
I'm not talking about just slowing the rate of growth. We need to eliminate programs and slash wasteful spending.
I believe we must reform the way the federal government does business.
Whether it's a giant bureaucracy wasting tax dollars, a tax code no one can understand, or a government agency failing in its mission to provide critical aid, we need to find new ways to confront old problems.
Most important of all, I believe we must rebuild the family and renew the culture.
Liberal efforts to redefine marriage, to strip the words "Under God" from the Pledge Allegiance, and to harm the most vulnerable in our society must be challenged and opposed at every turn.
If you agree with me that Republicans need a presidential candidate who is not just an economic and national security conservative but also a social conservative...
...then I'm asking for your help today.
Just like President Reagan did, I believe I can unite all three branches of conservative thinking.
But I can't do it alone. I need your help.
My friend, if you're willing to help, the most important thing you can do today is go here to send a contribution to my campaign in the amount of $50.
If you can afford to contribute more- say $100, $500, $1,000, or the maximum allowed of $2,100 - I'm definitely counting on some generous Americans to step forward with gifts like that.
If $50 is too much then I hope you will at least consider showing your support with a contribution of $25 or $35.
The truth is every single dollar you can send will make a difference.
The first test of the campaign is going to be fundraising in the first quarter of 2007.
The media has already cast me as the most conservative candidate.
Now they are watching to see if I can raise the money I need to run an effective campaign and if I can build the grassroots support I need to win.
So please, if you're willing to help...
...if you want to help elect a true across-the-board conservative...
...please go here and make your most generous contribution of $2,100, $1,000, $500, $100, $50, $35, or even just $25 to my campaign today.
Whatever you can send, please know that you have my deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks for your generosity.
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
P.S. If we're going to win in 2008, Republicans need to nominate a candidate who can reach out to all three branches of the conservative movement - social, economic, national security. I believe I am the candidate who is best positioned to do that. But I need your help to get the job done. Won't you please show your support by going here and contributing $50 or more today?