He didn't go all the way, but he went further than anyone thought.
Look at Clinton. It is easy to look at him now and forget that he was the pudgy, donut and french fry eating "hick" from Arkansas, who was short on cash and was the total underdog. Bush Senior's big mistake was totally DISMISSING him--they thought he was a total joke. But Clinton had determination, he had youth, he was tireless, he had a dedicated staff. And he just would not give up. He certainly had charisma, his little 'X' factor, but what he also had going for him was IDEAS.
Jimmy Carter, same deal--certainly not a beauty, and not even charismatic, at least while he was running. What did he have? Absolute, rock solid, integrity.
Guiliani isn't going to make it because he's been married three times, he's pro-choice, and it will appall the right wing that while he was going through his most recent divorce, he was rooming with "two gay guys and a shitzhu..." (a phrase used in a debate). That is his problem from the right. From the left, there's his jackbooted attitude towards law and order in NYC--Abner Louima and that poor kid who was shot like swiss cheese for taking out his wallet. ...it will all be brought up again. So forget about him.
Romney has a couple of big problems--first, he SUCKED (one more time, he SUCKED) as governor of Massachusetts. He's on videotape flipflopping more times than a fish on the pier after being pulled from the sea. His record alone will hang him. And then, there's the BIG LOVE thing. He's a Mormon--he had an ancestor who did that "flee to Mexico with his four wives and dozens and dozens of kids" routine. His father, who ran for President outta Michigan, is widely (and a bit unfairly) regarded as a total KOO KOO because he came back from a Vietnam trip and told a reporter, on television, that he'd been "brainwashed" by the generals. It didn't play well. Mitt Romney would be a dream opponent, because he'd be WAY too easy to knock back.
The one to worry about, IMO, is Chuck Hegel. He's super conservative, but he speaks English in plain, declarative sentences. He makes a nice appearance. He behaves like an ADULT. He's what McCain USED to be in terms of straight talk, before McCain sold his soul to the devil.
If you don't like the media, call them on it with an email, and then, change the channel, turn the thing off, listen to radio, or get your news on the net. YOU control your viewing/input experience. Not them. Own the power you already have.
Oh, and as for China, that was THEIR satellite. Not ours. They had every right to destroy it as they saw fit. It was a bit of a shock that they did it that way, but they weren't going after anything they didn't own. It was an old one, that they were done with. And the reason they did it is to let Monkeyboy know that they don't take kindly to any additional "Star Wars" adventurism in space. They were signalling him that if he wants to get into a Star Wars Space Race, they're telling him to "Bring it on." That's what that was about. It was a "cut the crap, Bush" warning.