Many, many important rallies have been held at Serb Hall and some of the famous persons who have visited an/or spoken there over the years include:
John and Jackie Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford,
Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, George Bush,
Bill Clinton, Dick Chaney,
Hubert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Jerry Kleczka, Governor Tommy Thompson, Mayor John Norquist, Mayor Henry Meier, Police Chief Harold Brier, Clement Zablocki, William O'Donnell
and the list goes on. As
one NBC producer covering one of the rallies so aptly put it, "Serb Hall has been a must stop for local, state and federal office seekers for many years." American Serb Hall has been in the business of graciously serving the community for over 50 years. Serb Hall has a reputation for being the most versatile and complete banquet facility in South side of Milwaukee. American Serb Hall has been awarded continuous honors by many local reader polls year after year. Our award winning Friday Fish Fry, is voted Milwaukee's favorite fish fry for the fifth year in a row!
Although American Serb Memorial Hall opened for business in 1950, the first meeting for the creation of a fund to build a new Serbian hall and church in Milwaukee was much earlier, held in November 1934. The Very Reverend Milan Brkich, Dean of the St. Sava Cathedral, after much research and investigation, suggested a site at South 51st and West Oklahoma. Despite the fact that the area was very remote at the time, Father Brkich's foresight envisioned it to be the most promising location for the needs of the Milwaukee Serbian community. The location met with immediate approval by church membership. The entire 14-acre parcel of land was purchased in February 1949, and in the fall of 1949 the land was blessed and the cornerstone laid. The campaign to finance the project went into immediate full swing and its success far exceeded all expectations. Thousands of dollars were donated and everyone was eager to help and anxious to see the dream of a new Milwaukee Serbian Hall become transformed into an actual physical reality.