--- I wrote this last year, working through the 2nd Vermont Republic secessionist-minded group in Vermont. (Any SVR'ers on the DU?) The bill got to the state house,... and I even spoke with their speaker of the house at the time of the vote,...but unfortunately, it did not pass.
--- However I still firmly believe that state-level actions such as this are what it's going to take to stop the neocon dismantling of the Constitution, executive usurpation of control of the National Guard and untenable use of the US military by a dictatorial executive. I know,... I know,..... a single state could do this and get treated like Alabama in 1954. But if three or more states adopted similar resolutions at the same time, then I think the playing field changes considerably. The Federal Executive could not handle it.
--- The underlying rationale is pretty simple. In originally ratifying the Constitution, the individual states joined in a Compact of Statehood whose rules and procedures were contained in the Constitution. Take away the Constitution (or its salient provisions), and that abbrogates the original deal, eh? Besides,.. we hear the expression "Constitutional crisis" on a regular basis these days,... and the Constitution originated with the states,.. was approved by the states,.. and may only be altered or amended through the states. If Bush is forcing a Constitutional crisis,... then as far as I'm concerned, the ball is on the states' court ---- NOT the national party "political industry."
--- Anyway,.... here's the link at 2nd Vermont Republic.
--- www.vermontrepublic.org/issues_essays/other_articles/state_sovereignty_resolution_0
--- They decided to call it "State Sovereignty." I prefer prior dissent. If this link doesn't work, just go to www.vermontrepublic.org and click on Issues & Essays,.... then Other Articles,..... State Sovereignty Resolution.