January 26, 2007
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Just days after Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., threw his support to a nonbinding resolution opposing the increase of troops in Iraq, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., outlined a plan for getting the bulk of U.S. troops out within a year.
Blumenauer, who sits on the House Budget and Ways and Means committees, but not on the International Relations committee, is considered a potential challenger to Smith in the 2008 election, though he has waved off discussion of the upcoming race, saying he wants to focus on the Democrats’ new majority in Congress.
“The nonbinding resolution is just that, it is a start,” Blumenauer said Thursday. “I am proposing something that is comprehensive, that would deal with Congress rediscovering the power of the purse strings.”
Blumenauer’s plan calls for “the responsible redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq to be completed within approximately one year.” It would also channel reconstruction money through Iraqi-based contractors, promote diplomatic negotiations with neighboring Iran and Syria and direct help toward thousands of Iraqis who’ve fled their country ...