I realized something was up when our resident Hillary Ninja at Salon began spamming an IsraelInsider write up of a speech John Edwards has delivered in every thread where it might possibly be appropriate. The story was alarming. The way IsraelInsider told it, Edwards called Iran the source of all evil and hinted that the military option was right there on the table.
This did not sound like the Edwards I knew. Suspecting some journalistic bias, I did a google and found a RAW Story link that had a very different write up. In their version, Edwards spent a lot of time bringing the hammer down on the Bush Administration for failing to pursue peace between Israel and Palestine for the last six years. They portrayed an Edwards who ready to engage in some serious negotiations.
Read the two write ups side by side for a real Rashoman experience. It will remind you to never, ever trust one journalistic source again:
http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/10435.htmhttp://www.rawstory.com/news/2007/Edwards_Iran_must_know_world_wont_0123.htmlThe best part about RAW Story is they printed the actual speech!! Hurray. That allows you, the reader, to form your own opinion. Here is my own reading based upon context. I am an Edwards 2008 supporter, and I am a supporter of Palestinian rights:
Context is important. This is the Herzliya Conference. Edwards starts out by praising the Herzliya Conference and Sharon for one of his most unpopular moves (among right wing Israelis), namely the unilateral disengagement plan "his historic decision to evacuate Gaza".
Next paragraph Edwards creates common ground w/ the Israelis, talking about freedom and democracy, his own visits to Israel, the kidnapped soldiers. "I feel that I understand on a very personal level those threats." Standard rhetorical stuff.
Next paragraph is fascinating because he paints Iran as a threat to Israel. Not the US specifically, read this one carefully, he never says that NYC is 30 minutes away from a mushroom cloud. Iran threatens to destabilize the Middle East which threatens the world. What makes the paragraph so interesting is that Edwards also portrays the current U.S. administration as a threat.
"For years, the US hasn’t done enough to deal with what I have seen as a threat from Iran. As my country stayed on the sidelines, these problems got worse. To a large extent, the US abdicated its responsibility to the Europeans."
Consider this in light of the recent revelation that Iran offered to stop funding Hamas and Hezzbolah and stabilize Iraq in 2003 if the US would disband Saddam's anti-Iranian terrorist cells in Iraq. Cheney's response---destabilizing Iran was more important than cutting off aid to Israel's enemies. The exchange made the US and Iran look like the US and the USSR engaged in one of their cold war games with small countries as pawns. In a situation like this, Israel might be excused for worrying that the US would allow a nuclear Iran to nuke Israel because it would give the US excellent justification to invade Tehran or at least bomb its oil fields back into the stone age. And Iran might threaten Israel in order to win concessions from the US.
The paragraphs about Lebanon are weak in that they ignore Israel's culpability, but remember to whom he is talking. Israel knows that it killed civilians and wrecked havoc on the infrastructure of Lebanon. It knows that it was played for a fool by Bush-Cheney AND Iran-Syria which used Israel and Lebanon like pieces on a chess board in their greater battle. Both sides have much to answer for. Iran-Syria took their ideological battle with the US into Lebanon so that they would not have to fight it at home. Forget Axis of Evil. Ethically speaking, Iran and the Bush Administration are two ends of the teeter-totter of doom and have been ever since George Sr. negotiated his hostages for votes deal in 1980.
More praise for the unilateral disengagement. "Israel made many concessions. Many settlers gave up there land in order to advance peace.Israel can take more steps to advance peace like bolstering Abbas against Hamas."
More criticism of the Bush administration for abandoning the MidEast peace process. "For peace, Israel needs a partner.Absent this partnership, Israel not only has the right to defend itself, it has an obligation to defend itself. This means continuing to ensure Israel’s military strength, diplomatically and economically. The hurdles are clear.
"For too long, the current US administration’s commitment to this issue has been halfhearted. Now, on the backdrop of Iraq, they have tried to bring the two sides together. This is especially significant since they have squandered America’s moral authority in the Middle East and around the world."
Now, before preparing a wish list of THINGS EDWARDS SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED IN HIS SPEECH remember that context counts. When I first read the speech I wanted him to denounce Israel for its segregation of its arab muslim citizens and force them to apologize for the invasion of Lebanon. But that speech would not have been intended for the audience to whom he was speaking. That speech would have been for people like us at DU. It would have been designed to pander to primary voters and the activists who work on campaigns and who blog. PLUS, to stand up and start getting righteous at a meeting where Israelis are taking baby steps toward solving some of their problems might be just a tad counter productive, not to mention very un statesmanlike.