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E poll: global warming, Bush beginning to say that we need to do something about it. Do you agree?

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 09:16 AM
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E poll: global warming, Bush beginning to say that we need to do something about it. Do you agree?

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After years of not addressing global warming, President Bush and others are beginning to say that we need to do something about it. Do you agree?

· Yes. 174

· No. 80

· I have no opinion. 10

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The Backlash Cometh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 09:28 AM
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1. The brightest ones among us knew we had to do something about it
back in the 90s. Bush is very dim. He's trying to ride a wave in that has already tsunamied the shore.

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 09:35 AM
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2. Yes. And here's what I've seen:
Such as abuse of eminent domain - taking away private housing in favor of corporate interests. In short, blurring the lines between residential and commercial zones. So stores and such are closer to where we live.

I live close to work already and have never understood any logic to driving 40 miles one way each day. That's a lot of time that can be used for things other than driving 10MPH on a congested freeway, yelling obscenities at other drivers who are doing the same thing.

I recycle.

I eat everything on my plate.

I don't buy gimmicks and I demand high quality because throwing away cheaply made garbage compounds the problem.

Nor do I buy those shoes with the built-in roller skate that allow people to be disruptive. (I'm almost so cynical I'd be emotionless if a child did trip on an icy road because I've seen that far too often by kids whose parents' parental abilities I would even openly question. And I'd question the safety of those shoes in general too. Or the logic in using them.) The time and energy used to make such devices is a lot... just like the shoes with the LEDs in them. That's a bigger waste because the irreplaceable batteries contain lead and other substances that will just be thrown into a dumpster and will ultimately leak into the local (or even foreign) landfill.

Any CDs or DVDs I don't like get bought by a used book store. Better them than ebay, even though I could make more money from ebay. Nothing wrong with locally owned stores... big chains don't need to dominate every market, nor should they. Once they do, people bitch about poor quality service... but keep going there because the small business "charges too much, waaaaaaaaaaaah!" :dunce: I repair my own PC, use extended warranties because only a fool would think they aren't worth it and I will whine when the electronics store ramps up the price of the extended warranty. I don't abuse and most problems are caused because the product sold is cheaply made. They should go after (insert namebrand here) and not the consumers. (though I only know of one company that is fleecing the customers, B.B., and I won't be shopping there much often anymore...)

Open letter to the world: Just don't yell at me when I implore the others to do the same. Oh, can't tell other people what to do while they complain they want things both ways. :(

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Uncle Joe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 02:23 PM
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3. The keyword is "say"
he also said prior to the coup of 2000, that he would support caps on emissions and then reversed him self about two months after wards. Now his party loses 2006 midterms, and suddenly he finds global warming religion. Forgive me if I'm skeptical regarding this "compassionate conservative's" sincerity.
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sutz12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 02:30 PM
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4. He "said something about it," sure.....
But he hasn't a fuggin' clue how to work on it. In the SOTU he listing of some Liberal issues, and followed them with some Conservative "answers."
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KingofNewOrleans Donating Member (650 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 02:38 PM
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5. The Bush Plan?
Invade Canada--it's the new Florida!
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