than they are of Republicans. Dems will destroy marriage, they will aide terrorists, they will turn the nation socialist, they will take your guns, they will cancel Christmas, they will compromise the moral underpinnings of the White House, they will bring the wrath of God to bear on America...
They don't give a damn whether voters remember the damage they've done. They don't even think voters are smart enough to understand it. Their only strategy since Reagan began running is to make people more afraid of the Democrat than of them. It works well, too.
Since that isn't working, they try to shave as many Democratic voters away from the party nominee as they can. They push Nader, they create fantasies about our frontrunners being too conservative, too corporate, too pro-war, too rich... This was part of Newt Gingrich's GOPAC strategy in the 90s, to split the Dem party from the far left. It worked in 2000, where Nader picked up enough votes to cost Gore New Hampshire, thus the election. Every time you hear a "liberal" bashing Hillary or Obama or Edwards as "too liberal," you hear Lee Atwater and Karl Rove shouting "Yessss!"
That's how they win. Fear, division, short attention spans, and gullible minds. If 90% of Americans hate the Republicans but fear the Dems worse, the Republicans will still win.