Yes, the Bush administration's eminence grise turns 66 today, just one six removed from the number of the Beast. But the ominous numerology of the event wasn't the first thing that struck me about Cheney's b-day. My first thought was "66 ... that's it?"
But all of this piling on Dick Cheney really ignores a sad truth — how much the vice president deserves it all. With his hard heart (No, seriously -- Dick Cheney's heart problems stem primarily from Atheroclerosis, literally a hardening of the heart or arteries.) and harder head, Cheney has stood immobile and resolute in times that call for flexibility and nuance. He has cited the greatest danger America faces in Iraq as the possibility that we "don't have the stomach" for it. This, after more than 3,000 Americans sent home in body bags and thousands more permanently maimed, not to mention the hundreds of billions of dollars that have drained into the Middle East.
No stomach for it?
Hell, I've got the stomach for a lot of things. It's cast-iron, in most cases. What churns my stomach is a hypocritical monster who preys upon the public as though their lives, liberty and capital were his personal larder. And apparently, I'm not the only one.
What we don't have the stomach for is you. If birthday wishes worked in reverse, and we could all wish something about you on your birthday, I think we'd all agree that the best thing for everyone would be if, the next time you went to your undisclosed location, you just stayed there. Really, it's what's best for the country. And you still want what's best for the country, don't you, Dick? I hope so. And I think you could agree that America isn't best served by hypocritical, ignorant greedhead monsters with no moral compass and an incredible gift for avoiding reality at all costs. The only difference between us is, when you look in the mirror, you can't see what you really are. Tragically, one of the defining characteristics of hubris is its inability to see itself for what it is.