I need help from many Clark supporters to make this idea fly. I realize it’s coming from someone who’s often just a reader of the sites, but as you’ll see, that’s part of the point, and why I’m Calling All Clarkies!
Many of us have gained an INCREDIBLE fund of knowledge about General Clark, and almost every fact we’ve gathered is a positive one. He’s not quite all things to all people, but he’s come so far, achieved so much, spoken and written so well, laid out so many thoughtful plans for our future, proven so often that he is true to his admirable convictions, that we have a true embarrassment of riches to educate others about why he should be elected president.
Some of our best writers (and you probably know who they are), can and often do post at great length on individual points. That’s very useful, and great reading, especially for us ardent Clarkies. No matter how well-written the posts are, though, even I, a political junkie and Clarkie through and through, can’t find time to do more than scan some of them. Those who may not yet be on board with the General, those who aren’t such political junkies, or just those with less time to spend here are less likely yet to read many of the threads and many of the longer posts.
SO HERE’S MY IDEA: what if we started a new feature everywhere we’re likely to congregate, of a Clark Fact of the Day, and purposely kept each entry fairly brief, maybe a couple of paragraphs or a couple of hundred words?
Not only would it be edifying for many, it would be fun and satisfying for Clarkies to cull through the endless possibilities, pick one and hone it down while keeping the essence of it, and present it to the masses. I envision an emphasis on the variety… one day, maybe, the story of his rappelling down the cliff, the next, a section of his hundred-year vision, the next, about his swim-meet heroics, the next, his vocal support for Lamont, the next, his decorations from foreign nations, the next, one of those glowing performance reviews, the next, repairing his own car, the next, the street named after him in Kosovo, and on and on and on, and never a repeat needed.
Come to think of it, I’ve actually heard there are journalists out there who may be lazy and/or ill-informed. They might not mind picking up such an easy way to get their own info on the General. It probably needs a catchy name, too… “Four-Star Facts?” “In General?” “Clark Bars?”
Here’s a big reason I think this is such an attractive idea: if they were to try this with any other candidate, they’d run out of sincere and accurate things to say pretty quickly (and I mean that literally, and not as a slam but as the truth). Some would be able to go further than others, of course, but imagine such a feature for (you fill in a name) next to that of Wes Clark. I say, let them try, if they dare. The stark contrast is all to his credit.
So, this is a democracy. Like Will Rogers, I’m not a member of any organized political party, I’m a Democrat. I’m not going to try to put some sort of rigid structure on this, or claim it as my own. I want anyone who wants to take part to go for it. Clark supporters, will you play? It’s easier and less expensive than a lot of the other ways we are and will be working to get General Clark elected, but it could be fun and it could pay off, so why not? Write them down. Post them as new threads, or in existing threads, as diaries, or however you think they’ll be most effective.
The whole point is, teach the world about General Clark. To know him is to make him our next president.