I just heard about this whole thing the other night on The Colbert Report, of course Stephen Colbert was making the whole thing in character. I, for one, found it somewhat distressing...anyways...so here's the deal
some group in New York City (dont know the name or full details) had an open, free movie night for homeless people. I imagine many of them came in to get out of the cold. They were shown the recently released Will Smith film "The Pursuit of Happiness" which is about a man who is in dire poverty, yet manages to get a job and climb the corporate ladder and become successful. I haven't seen the film, so I cant say if it's good or not, but I've heard mostly good reviews. I for one wasn't impressed by the theme, another 'american dream', trust corporations, dont ask for union benefits or state intervention to help alleviate poverty, etc. So, I didn't see it...
now, I find it a little distressing that they are showing this to homeless people in an attempt to 'inspire' them. Now, I dont want to get swarmed by 'american dream' supporters...I got some respect for the whole concenpt of the 'american dream', yet think the concept is a blatant free-market tactic used to get people in poverty to not demand workers rights, minimum wage etc..maybe as a Canadian, I see things differently with a different cultural mentality,...so I found it sort of distressing that they are showing homeless people this film...like "You are poor and it's your own damn fault!"
Anyone agree with me on this? Dont get me wrong, I think the individualistic and enterepreunural spirit is a good thing for the most part, i just think the laizzes-fare attitude taking to the extreme is harmful and overall counter-productive for a society.
But hey, I'm a Canadian Socialist...get my drift? anyone else disgusted by this?